Welcome to St. James the Greater

St. James the Greater

510 W. Poythress Street
Hopewell, VA 23860

8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
(Monday - Thursday)

EMAIL: stjames@catholiccluster.com

Mass Schedule

Wednesday  6:30 P.M.
Thursday  12:00 P.M.

Saturdays  6:00 P.M. (Spanish)
Sunday  11:15 A.M. (English)

Worship Schedule

Holy Hour & Benediction:

Wednesday 5:30 P.M.


Wednesday 5:30 P.M. - 6:15 P.M.


Confirmation Teens assisted during the Holy Thursday Liturgy at St. James in performing & assisting with the washing of the feet, closing the night with a prayer service during adoration.
Thank you to our confirmation candidates: Alex Pedro, Melissa Ayala-Martinez, Zoe Stoke, Sarai Torres, Jeremiah Ayala, Karla Eslava, Samantha Pedro, Melanie Martinez, Luisa Garcia, Jesus Rosas, Karla Hernandez, Xavier Vargas, Grayson Hanzlik, and Victor Andrade. 

Holy Thursday 2022

Ways to Support the Parish

We continue to be blessed in receiving your generous gifts through any method you choose to give and we thank you for your continued generosity that helps make St. James a vibrant parish! 

Text to Give

St. James the Greater

(804) 259-0092


Gift - Check

Make checks payable

to Saint James Heart 

and mail them 


Contact the parish 

office to receive

weekly envelopes.

New Online Giving:

With this preferred method of Offertory Giving, your contribution is automatically withdrawn from your bank account and sent to Saint James. This enables the parish to better estimate its income & ensures that your regular offering will not be missed under any special circumstance. This is a safe and secure way to continue supporting the parish through these difficult times when we cannot offer our gifts in person. 

"Do you see that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only?"

-James 2.24

Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

Prayer to Saint James

O glorious Apostle, St. James, who by reason of thy fervent and generous heart wast chosen by Jesus to be a witness of His glory on Mount Tabor, and of His agony in Gethsemane;

Thou, whose very name is a symbol of warfare and victory: obtain for us strength and consolation in the unending warfare of this life, that, having constantly and generously followed Jesus, we may be victors in the strife and deserve to receive the victor's crown in heaven. Amen.

History of Saint James the Greater

Hopewell – 1918

On July 7, 1887, Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, Fifth Bishop of Richmond, purchased a lot from the Eppes family for the site of a Catholic Church and by 1888 a Chapel was built.  At that time, the parishioners at the Chapel were the seamen and their families who were based in Hopewell. 

It became a mission church of Saint Joseph in Petersburg and was served by Father James T. O'Farrell, pastor of Saint Joseph.  Mass was given every Sunday until 1903 when the United States Navy withdrew the fleet, discontinued the use of City Point as a base, and many of the Catholic population left.  Due to the small Catholic population left, the Chapel was sold.  The Chapel located 609 Brown Avenue in City Point is presently owned by the Historic Hopewell Foundation. 

Father Martin J. Haier from Saint Joseph and other priests would come for Sunday Masses.  In 1914, the European War broke out and the E. I. Du Point de Nomours & Co. opened a guncotton plant.  Hopewell's population quickly grew with the need of factory workers.  Father Haier saw the need for a Catholic Church and a small chapel was set up on Broadway, once again becoming mission of Petersburg. 

The corner lot of City Point Road and Sixth Avenue was purchased in 1916 for a new church.  The cornerstone was laid that July and the church was officially named Saint James Catholic Church and dedicated on October 15, 1916.  The two-story, red brick building had a basement, parish hall, and a Sanctuary with two sacristies.  In 1918, Saint James became a parish and the first appointed resident pastor was Father John J. Massey. 

On December 22,1927, Father James P. Gacquin joined Saint James.  While at Saint James, Father Gacquin organized the Holy Name Society, and the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  He also established Saint James School, built the convent, painted and renovated the church.  Saint James celebrated its Silver Jubilee on October 10, 1941. 

In 1950, a new church was needed because the original Church suffered structural damage in a storm.  While the new church was under construction, Masses were said at the Beacon Theater.  On March 1, 1951, the new Saint James was opened. In 1970, major renovations were undertaken at the church, rectory; convent, and school hall.

With the church community continuing to grow, it was decided in 1980 that renovations were needed again.  The church continued to serve the community and celebrated 100 years of service to the people of Hopewell on October 22, 2016. 

In 2016, the main Sanctuary was remodeled and positioned back to its original location with a center aisle.  The crucifix and statues were refurbished.  The first Mass in the newly renovated space was celebrated by Father Chris Hess on Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017.